HUE // Fall 2023


George Mason University’s Art & Design Senior Students’ Exhibition opens on December 4, 2023, at the Art & Design Building, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA under the title HUE.

60 students graduating with bachelor's degrees in Art and Visual Technology present their final work in the Fall of 2023 Senior Art & Design Show at George Mason University's Gillespie Gallery of Art, Room 2046, Room 2049, and L012 in the Art & Design Building.

The exhibition opens Monday, December 4th, and the gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The exhibition will be on view through December 9th, with a closing reception on Saturday December 9th from 6-8 p.m. Parking for attendees to the closing reception will be free in Lot A, located between the Patriot Center and across the street from the Art & Design Building.

The exhibition is free and open to the public. The use of masks is not required and remains optional. For more information, read University Policy 1415.  

Over the past three months these students have worked on their capstone project. The exhibition showcases the result of these explorations in graphic design, animation, drawing, printmaking, photography, painting, and sculpture.

Follow along @soaseniorproject

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